Numerical Analysis & Applications
What's Here?:
The web site contains applications or source code for various numerical algorithm related to technology, engineering and science.
Polynomial Zeros:
Particular there has been an emphasized on finding zeros in polynomials. There is well known algorithms for finding these zeros using various methods.
The most famous one is the well known Jenkins-Traub method, however there exists other
"newton" variations like the one by Madsen from the early seventies or
Graeffe method which was reborn by Malajovich and Zubelli. The method by Halley's,
Laguerre's is also quite useful.
All these different method has been nicely packages into a windows applications that can be downloaded:
Polynomial Zeros
Three of the algorithms are also available as C++ source from the ports section of this web site:

Web Applications:
A series of web based tool (see left navigation panel) for
- Roots of a polynomial
- Numeric integration and graphing functions
- Interpolations
- Solving Differential Equations.
- Complex number expression calculator
- Financial calculator
- Car lease calculator
- Calculate transcendental constant like π, e, Ln(2), ln(10) with arbitrary precision
- Regular expression tester
can be used directly from this web page.
Arbitrary Precision:
A collections of C++ source files that allows integer or floating point precision to be performed with any precision. Truncation mode
(Round to nearest, Round up or Round down) can also be associated with any arbitrary precision floating point numbers.
Furthermore, three template classes for complex arithmetic, interval arithmetic and fractional arithmetic for arbitrary precision numbers has been added:
Arbitrary Precision
Calculating transcendental constants with unlimited precision:
Need to know π, e, ln(2) & ln(10) with thousands or millions of digits. This is the place to go to calculate these transcendental constants with unlimited precision:
Unlimited digits of transcendental constants
Mental Math:
For party tricks or to break the ice among people, a well performed mental math tricks can come in handy.
Here we have a practicing arena where you can practice these tricks, so you can perform them flawless:
Mental Math